Last Friday on the 20th of March, ADP had an orientation day for the new student intake at the Theater Hall. The Fayette House committee members were in charge of breaking the ice among the new students (though we all know that the purpose is for us to 'bully' them first hahahaha) and came up with a variety of mini games to enjoy together.
Lookie! It's the chicken dance! Poor guys had to pay for losing in one of the games
Getting ready for their 'punishment'. Don't they look nervous? *grins*
The ones who forgot the names of those before them (all guys?? Hmmmm...)
Now that it was his turn, he tries to remember the who is who...
Mr Jason joined in too!
A funky way of playing Musical Chairs. Cally looks somewhat invisible for moving that fast hahahaha...
It was tremendously fun for the new students, and for the Fayette team to organize the games. Let's all hope there will be more than one potential student hidden among them to take over the roles in Fayette House one day after we're all gone :)