Friday, August 27, 2010

Notice: ADP Freshie Party!!!

To Freshies:
Come join us at Freshie Party and be celebrated as Fayette House welcomes you with fun activities and useful tips to help you learn more about the college and the course, besides meeting new friends.

To Seniors:
Attend to engage with the Freshmen for whatever reason you want to think of (to feel young and fresh again maybe?). After all, what is there to lose?

Ticket Price:
RM3 for Freshies (door gift and Survival Kit included)
RM1 for Seniors (free entrance for Seniors in Peacock T-shirt)

Get your tickets at Fayette House ASAP!
(Fayette House opening hours: Mon-Fri
10.30am to 12.30pm and 3pm to 4pm)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tiger Trex Campaign: Pledge to Save Tigers

We have barely 500 tigers in Malaysia.

Join us in order to save the tigers.

The group works on a project to support the WWF TX2 campaign to double the number of tigers in the country by 2022.

We’re trying to get a 50,000 pledge to help out the tigers in Malaysia to urge our Prime Minster, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, to attend the Tiger Summit in Vladivostok, Russia, in September 2010 to raise the awareness.


It takes less than a minute to sign the petition at TX2 Pledge.

Do spread the words for the vulnerable tigers.